Tuesday 8 July 2014

Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr

Jealousy Quotes Biography

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Jealousy is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. In its original meaning, jealousy is distinct from envy, though the two terms have popularly become synonymous in the English language, withjealousy now also taking on the definition originally used for envy alone. Jealousy is a typical experience in human relationships. It has been observed in infants five months and older.[1][2][3][4] Some claim that jealousy is seen in every culture;[5][6][7] however, others claim jealousy is a culture-specific phenomenon.[8]
Jealousy is often reinforced as a series of particularly strong emotions and constructed as a universal human experience; it has been a theme of many artistic works. Psychologists have proposed several models of the processes underlying jealousy and have identified factors that result in jealousy. Sociologists have demonstrated that cultural beliefs and values play an important role in determining what triggers jealousy and what constitutes socially acceptable expressions of jealousy. Biologists have identified factors that may unconsciously influence the expression of jealousy. Artists have explored the theme of jealousy in photographs, paintings, movies, songs, plays, poems, and books. Theologians have offered religious views of jealousy based on the scriptures of their respective faiths.
Sociobiological factors deal with reproductive strategies. For males they can only ensure paternity by restricting the access or involvement of other males. Females are more inclined to find resources in a male to be more important than actual reproductive opportunities. Males used the following tactics more than females: a. resource display b. mate concealment c. submission and debasement d. inter sexual threats and violence. For cultural and historical factors males and females have similar states of emotions of jealousy as sociobiological factors. Personality factors include a third-party threat that stores jealousy in both males and females. Personality factors also vary based on love styles. Relational factors as well as emotional factors have been found to vary on comparison levels of commitment to the relationship as well as investment and the level of alternatives in the relationship. Situational factors include critical events that may induce jealousy in both males and females. Situational factors are very common and can be easily stimulated. Last is strategic factors which includes were "individuals are rarely aware of the sociobiological or cultural factors that promote a particular communication behavior." Laura K Guerrero and Peter A. Anderson. Jealousy experience and Expression in Romantic Relationships.
According to the Parental Investment Model based on parental investment theory, more men than women ratify sex differences in jealousy. In addition, more women over men consider emotional infidelity (fear of abandonment) as more distressing than sexual infidelity.[citation needed] According to research, sex, and attachment style makes significant and unique interactive contributions to the distress experienced. Security within the relationship also heavily contributed to one’s distress level. According to research, these findings imply that psychological and cultural mechanism regarding sex differences may play a larger role than expected (Levy,Blatt, Schachner.) Attachment theory also reveals how infant attachment patterns are the basis for a self-report measures of adult attachment. (Levy, Blatt & Shaner, 1998). Although there are no sex differences, in childhood attachment individuals with dismissing behavior was more concerned with the sexual aspect of relationships (Schachner & shaer, 2004). As a coping mechanism these individuals would report sexual infidelity as more harmful. Moreover, research shows that audit attachment styles strongly conclude with the type of infidelity that occurred. Thus psychological and cultural mechanisms are implied as unvarying differences in jealousy that play a role in sexual attachment.[10]
Emotional jealousy was predicted to be nine times more responsive in females than in males. The emotional jealousy predicted in females also held turn to state that females experiencing emotional jealousy are more violent than men experiencing emotional jealousy. This correlates with some culture norms that the United States places on women, implying that they should be more emotionally responsive than males. Society has associated emotion in males to be contained and not expressed in the ways that women tend to express their emotions. This social norm held true when males in a study chose to keep a level head and process and gather information before "talking it out."[citation needed]
There are distinct emotional responses to gender differences in romantic relationships (Buss, Green & Saboni 2004). For example, due to paternity uncertainty in males, jealousy increases in males over sexual infidelity rather than emotional. According to research more women are likely to be upset by signs of resource withdraw (i.e. another female) than by sexual infidelity. A large amount of data[which?] supports this notion. However, one must consider for jealousy the life stage or experience one encounters in reference to the diverse responses to infidelity available. Research states that a componential view of jealousy consist of specific set of emotions that serve the reproductive role.[citation needed] However, research shows that both men and women would be equally angry and point the blame for sexual infidelity, but women would be more hurt by emotional infidelity. Despite this fact, anger surfaces when both parties involved is responsible for some type of uncontrollable behavior, sexual conduct is not exempt. (Sabbini and Silver, Averill 1995). Some behavior and actions are controllable such as sexual behavior. However hurt feelings are activated by relationship deviation. No evidence is known to be sexually dimorphic in both college and adult convenience samples. The Jealousy Specific Innate Model (JSIM) proved to not be innate, but may be sensitive to situational factors. As a result it may only activate at stages in on. One study discovered serious relationships are reserved for older adults rather than undergraduates. For example, Buss et al. (1992) predicted that male jealousy decreases as females reproductive values decreases.
A second possibility that the JSIM effect is not innate but is from one culture (Desieno et al., 2002) Kitayana (2004) have highlighted differences in socio-economic status specific such as the divide between high school and collegiate individuals. Moreover, individuals of both genders were angrier and blamed their partners more for sexual infidelities but were more hurt by emotional (Sabini & Green 2004). Jealousy is composed of lower-level emotional states (e.g., anger and hurt) which may be triggered by a variety of events, not by differences in individuals' life stage. Although research has recognized the importance of early childhood experiences for the development of competence in intimate relationships, early family environment is recently being examined as well (Richardson and Guyer, 1998). Research on self-esteem and attachment theory suggest that individuals internalize early experiences within the family which subconsciously translates into their personal view of worth of themselves and the value of being close to other individuals, especially in an interpersonal relationship (Steinberg, Davila, & Fincham, 2006).[11]
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr

Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 
Jealousy Quotes Sad Quotes About Love That Make Your Cry and Pain Tumblr For Girls that make you cry for girls for Him for Boys That Hurts Tagalog and Pain Tumblr 

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